Different types of manufacturing instruments. Delivery and complectation.
Address: Samoilovskiy
pr.,5 | Phone: +7 (812) 325-56-72
Specializes in manufactiring and delivery of instruments and hardware.
Address: Deviatogo
Anvoria pr.,19 Phone: +7 (812) 106-98-17
"Nevis" company delivres in complex manufacturing instruments
to the factories of Russia, Belorussia and Ukraine. Company has
a long experience of providing big factories with istruments and
equipment. Address: Yakornaya
st., 17 | Phone: +7 (812) 303-85-44
Specializes in the field of manufacturing, complectation, delivery
and service of equipment and instruments. Address: Promishlenaya
st., 7 |Phone: +7 (812) 252-94-35